Self-fullness? Huh?

temenos art vision Swain

Temenos Vision
a treasure map 
conjuring up what I wanted to  invite into my Art and Soul Creativity Coaching practice in my then new space; a space which has been
called the Temenos Centre since mid 1980s

Feed your soul. Create the space

to dream with paint. It’s not a race.


There’s so much pressure to produce.

I say, ‘Let go. Play slow and loose.’


There’s nothing wrong with outcome-driven.

Just don’t take it as a given.


Pause, reflect, renew, revive.

You must be self-full to survive.


‘What’s self-full, Sal?’, I hear you ask.

It isn’t self-ish. It’s the task


of saying No to others’ tugs.

Just sometimes: No. It’s cosy hugs


of care for self. You fill the well,

‘cos if you don’t, you hear a bell.


The bell says, ‘You are tired, defeated.

Careful. You’ll become depleted.’


Self-full Well Creative Care

Sustains your spirit. Do you dare?

(a little poem by Sally)

PS Temenos = sacred space in ancient Greek

PPS Julia Cameron originated the Artist Date for filling the well. See her books, particularly The Artist’s Way.

‘The Artist Date is a once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore
something that interests you. The Artist Date need not be overtly
“artistic” — think mischief more than mastery. Artist Dates fire up the
imagination. They spark whimsy. They encourage play. Since art is about the
play of ideas, they feed our creative work by replenishing our inner well
of images and inspiration. When choosing an Artist Date, it is good to ask
yourself, “what sounds fun?” — and then allow yourself to try it.’
(direct from the wondrous Julia C’s website).

Do you need to fill your well?

Do you need to say No to a few demands here and there
to create the space for your soul nourishment?

14 thoughts on “Self-fullness? Huh?

    • You are most welcome, Linda. Oh! It’s essential, this well-filling. I’ve just managed some time away myself, bracketed by full-on challenges, which I would be struggling with even more if I hadn’t had the creative retreat.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Yes yes yes! As well as no, sometimes. Have been saying ‘no’ a lot to self…then feel empty. Gentle reminder of how to say yes, oui, bon!, d’accord, ja, genau! Thank you Sally

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! (If I’ve posted before, this is an update!)

    I’m Jo, I’m an artist, writer, traveller, wild west nut ( and renaissance soul.

    I’ve recovered from thirty years of depression and anxiety and I’m now blogging on Creating My Odessey about the rebuilding of my creative lifestyle. I’m hoping to reach ppl with mental health issues and creative’s in general to encourage, inspire, and hopefully give some enjoyment! I wondered if you’d like to look at it. Thank

    Jo UK

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Jo. Great to hear from you. You have shared some of your amazing story here before. I admire you indeed! How wonderful to hear stories of courageous folk such as yourself actively embracing creativity to ease the path through mental health issues. Thank you. best wishes, Sally x


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