How to Access Your (Already Abundant) Creativity 4

A Flower Power Point Presentation

to be viewed one blossom at a time

Flower Power Point Number Four

A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way

Sally Swain art

Daffy and Friends *
Sally Swain © original art

The word ‘encourage’

comes from ‘courage’,

which comes from ‘coeur’ (French for ‘heart’).

I love knowing this.

It speaks to me of the courage required to brazenly or tiptoe-ishly move in the direction of our dreams.

It speaks to me of the need to affirm our creative whisperings, even if they seem silly, mundane or outrageous. We blossom from a place of feeling safe and valued. We draw on our own strength. And if a little encouragement comes from outside us, from another person, that is priceless.

Take heart. Make art.

How might we be encouraged to believe in our own creativity? To feel worthy of giving ourselves time and space to create? To pursue a secret dream or develop a long-abandoned project? To find out what we’re passionate about in the first place?

You might be caught up in the sticky corporate web or the treadmill of caring for others. Maybe you haven’t allowed yourself art-play space. Something else always takes priority. A creativity coach, partnership or another kind of support can help. 

Who do you have in your life to encourage you to create? Someone out there in human flesh n bones land? An Inner Encourager? Someone from your past, or even your future?! Do you have a Qinka? A Kaniq? Or a Qoot?

Have you too found that a little encouragement goes a long way?

*’Daffy and Friends’ painting was inspired by the Daffodil Hotel and Spa in the Lakes District, England, who purchased not one, not two, but twelve of my ‘Great Housewives of Art’ limited edition prints. How’s that for encouragement? The naming of the Daffodil Hotel and Spa in turn was inspired by poet Wordsworth, whose cottage is nearby.

PS Remember my Yellow Teapot? Inspired by Clare Coburn’s poem? Clare too has recently mused on the fabulous notion of encouragement
PPS Hope I haven’t overloaded you with web links!

6 thoughts on “How to Access Your (Already Abundant) Creativity 4

  1. A French added touch: I once had a sticker on my fridge saying ‘Courage’! My darlin daughter who had lived in Paris longtime told me it was a very common French expression that people threw to each other in all types of situations. I loved this idea of ‘courage’ being encouraged across the French countryside! I realised in Australia we have ‘no worries’- a mantra worthy of sharing the stage with ‘courage’. Both surely needed in our bouts of creativity!! Thanks Sal for your effervescent thoughts and deep associations.

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